Finding things ….

Finding thingsOne of my resolutions for (Maths) teachers is to organise resources and ideas in such a way that it is possible to find them all again. My own answer to that is Evernote which I use on a daily basis on every gadget I own!

Staying with the subject of finding things, reviewing the statistics for this blog for the past year and considering popular posts and pages has prompted me to reorganise and add new pages so that I hope readers will be able to find resources and posts more easily.

To highlight some of the changes:

Right hand menu
Maths for StudentsI have added information on the latest posts on my other blogs, Mathematics for Students, Mathematics Starters and Plenaries and Mathematics Games. There is overlap between the blogs but my aim is to have collections on the appropriate blog. Mathematics for Students is (unsurprisingly!) addressed to students.


New pages

StartersNoting that the Starters link is very popular I thought I would add a page to make this even more prominent. I will update this page with information on the Starters site. On the subject of starters, my Year 9 students have been enjoying the 2015 Year Game and my Year 11 students appreciate their recent starters. I have been using the fantastic Corbettmaths: 5-a-day site; they like the idea that we are revising regularly.

Revision Activities Mentioning Mr Corbett’s 5-a-day leads me naturally to revision, a consistently popular subject. I will keep this page updated with revision ideas.

Desmos series Regular readers will know the Desmos graphing calculator is a resource I use a lot. I have re-ordered all the Desmos pages and added some new ones so that all the documentation and graph pages I have on Desmos can be found in this collection.

Reference As an element of lesson planning I consider vocabulary. I frequently display definitions for students from resources such as Jenny Eather’s dictionary or the glossary for teachers.

Other new pages include Homework, Videos, and Endings.

I have created several presentations which can be found in various posts on this blog and are available on Slideshare; I have also created a series of Presentation pages to make these easier to find.

Under Reading, I have updated the Mathematics blog page with several new entries. A little Histogram Hysteria from Maths Sandpit is exactly what Year 11 need!

The UK Assessment series includes Assessment Without Levels KS3 which I keep updated with any news / announcements.

Finally – I have updated and will continue to do so the ‘I’m Looking for…’ pages; a notable new entry is Calculators and Toolsthere are several excellent applets available for both demonstrations and checking work. See for example these for A Level Statistics or the applets on the Calculus page.